Rivers of Maryland
Title: Rivers of Maryland
Location: At the Historical Society of Baltimore County
Description: Join lecturer Judy Floam as she presents a talk on the the rivers of Maryland using visual aids. Floam will discuss the physical characteristics in addition to the roles Maryland’s rivers have played in the State’s economic history. She will also examine their current uses as water supplies and recreation outlets. Special attention will be paid to the Patapsco, the Susquehanna, and the Gunpowder Rivers. Judy Floam has a Master of Urban Planning degree, and she has completed the Master Naturalist program through the University of Maryland. She has worked in the planning field for more than 40 years in both New Jersey and Maryland.
Free to HSBC members, or $5/person for non-members. Pre-registration required.
Start Time: 2:00 pm
Date: April 29, 2012