Galloway Room Rental
The HSBC Galloway Room is available for your event
The HSBC Galloway Room is located in the Historic Baltimore County Almshouse in the County Home Park, Cockeysville. The 1100 square foot room is available for meetings, receptions or catered events. Free parking and conveniently located restrooms.
Room Rental Rates:
- One Time Events (Private) – $100/hour for one-time events. ( A Half hour to setup and a half hour to cleanup is complimentary and included.)
- Recurring Meetings/Events Off-business hours – $100 for up to 2 hours for regular recurring monthly meetings of community groups which take place outside normal HSBC operating hours.
- Recurring Meetings/Events During HSBC Business Hours – $40 for up to 3 hours for groups meeting regularly (i.e. monthly) during regular HSBC operating hours.
For more information or to schedule your event please call 410-666-1878 or contact us using the form below.